Women’s Empowerment through Holistic Self Defense
Just because I survived it doesn’t mean other women have to suffer the same way as well.
Just because I survived it doesn’t mean other women have to suffer the same way as well.
Project URDUHA seeks to empower women through Holistic Self Defense. We are named after Princess Urduja, a legendary warrior princess from the 1300s who some writers have traced back to Pangasinan.
A community of advocates and empowered survivors changing perceptions and upending grim realities for women everywhere.
Create, Educate, and Advocate for a culture of holistic self defense.
To create a hub of resources for Women Empowerment through Holistic Self Defense
Kicking a bad guy in the groin is not enough. Learn how to avoid and survive crime with training on a Street Smart Mindset.
We seek to assist survivors in discovering strength, justice, and peace so they can move on to greater endeavors. Psychological counseling and legal services will be made available through our hub.
Our advocates and empowered survivors strive to educate the vulnerable so they cannot be victimized so easily. So that maybe someday, no more women will be victims.
Physical Self Defense
Street Smart Mindset
Psychological Resilience
Legal Education & Assistance
Economic Self Sufficiency
Good Health
Community Disaster Preparedness
Social Reintegration for Survivors
CONCEPT FOR WOMEN’S HOLISTIC SELF DEFENSE By MCCC Hernandez As of 12 March 2023 Just because I survived it doesn’t mean other women have to suffer the same way as well. Global estimates by the World Health Organization indicate that about 1 in 3 women (35%) worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence from…
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Women’s Month Talks at DFA by MCCC Hernandez, 26 March 2024 As March is Women’s Month, the Department of Foreign Affairs and other government agencies have been quite busy with a wide menu of Gender and Development-related events and talks. Among these are two Project Urduha initiatives: A talk on Red Flags in Relationships and…