What we do

Our Vision: A community of empowered survivors and advocates changing perceptions and upending grim realities for women everywhere.

Our Mission: Create, Educate, and Advocate for a culture of holistic self defense.

In line with the above, we are creating a hub of reliable resources for women empowerment through holistic self defense. This hub will include educational resources, legal assistance, psychological counseling services, livelihood projects, and medical assistance as needed for vulnerable women and survivors of crime.

Advocates and educators who work with us must be experienced in their respective fields, compassionate, and not have a history of predatory behavior. While some physical self defense schools try to tough love their students and disregard the need for safe spaces, we are here to provide a safe space, sensitive to the needs of victims for resources that will help them recover or get out of dangerous situations. We will not tolerate victim-blaming, nor will we tolerate those who re-traumatize victims with a harsh lack of sensitivity to their emotional and psychological well-being.

Why do we place such emphasis on sensitivity to the mental health of victims? Because it is proven that poor mental health and stress can lead to a decline in physical health as well. Prolonged stressful situations can lead to mental illnesses, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and even wear down one’s immune system. Women under extreme stress due to crime can also develop physical illness, ranging from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), to thyroid and hormone issues, even down to heart attacks and cancer. If we can help prevent a bad situation from leading to poor health, we should. And for victims who already suffer from any of these, the medications and treatments can be terribly expensive. We seek to provide resources to deal with even the long-term after-effects of violence against women and other crime.

More than just helping victims, we seek to help educate and empower vulnerable women and communities to prevent them from becoming victims, even after calamities whether natural or man-made in nature. Whether typhoon or conflict, we do not want to see women victimized and we will work to prevent that through community disaster preparedness and resiliency programs. Livelihood programs as well can prevent women from being victimized by predators and criminals.

Lastly, in educating and advocating for a long-lasting culture of holistic self defense, we will seek to improve educational standards for school-age children on issues such as consent, mental health, and the ability to say NO as well as how to defend themselves from crime and identify criminals and predators from a mile away. People who can see the red flags are less likely to tolerate or fall victim to a predator.

I hope this gives you a clear idea of what we do and what we seek to do.

Thank you.



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